Samsung Brings A Technology Called Safety Truck

Samsung just came up with a very bright idea of giving solution on how to overtake easily a bigger vehicle or truck in easy way.

Samsung one of the biggest maker of appliances, gadgets and other technology, comes with an idea of installing a  wireless camera mounted on the front of a truck, displaying the road ahead on a screen which a monitor  installed behind of the truck.

The Idea of this is to give the driver’s behind the truck a clear view on what is in front of the truck.  it help’s to see’s both lane so that it can easily determined if there is such vehicles is ahead or passing by on the other lane.

By this technology, drivers can easily overtake bigger trucks safely and probably this will benefits more on small cars. It will lessen such accidents and perhaps it will now be avoided with this kind of technology that given by samsung.

Hopefully other trucks owner or company truck will follow the idea of samsung? With this idea it will be safer ride to small vehicle that can view the road and can overtake easily with no possible obstruction by the help of a monitor installed behind the truck.

As a driver if you are following a big truck and you want to overtake its hard to see the other lane ahead of you, due to most of the view of the road is being obstruct by a truck, so this bright idea will definitely will very useful to all drivers out there.
source: youtube