Philippines – The National Bureau of Investigation or NBI has updated or changes their system to give easier for all NBI Clearance applicants whenever they apply for the said clearance.
According to the new system applicants must visit their website to register in order to fully use the NBI Clearance Online Applications
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Applicants have two options to register on the website, it’s either new applicants or applicants with no old NBI Clearance or old applicants with their old NBI Clearance? Just simply check the desired options for you.
For Applicants with no old NBI Clearance simply follow these steps:
1. Register as new account
2. Fill up the correct information provided by the applicants
3. Click and read the terms of services before proceeding
4. Click sign up to proceed
5. Double check and confirm your information
6. Make sure that your email address has not yet been take or already in use
7. If all things work you are now be able to Log-in to NBI Clearance online services
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At the NBI Online Services:
1. Fill up the remaining details of Applicant's Information and click save information
2. Upload Photo and click Apply for Clearance
3. A pop up notification of what kind of document to bring for verification
4. Another pop up notification regarding Registration Code
5. Now it’s time to select the NBI Branch you want to visit for scheduling
6. To complete your transaction select your desired payment options.
Take note: if you choose 7-11 as your payment options just simply go to the nearest 7-11 branches in your area and pay using your reference number
7. Another pop up message appeared with your transaction summary including the multi-purpose clearance, amount of the NBI Clearance which is Php130.00 and additional fee of Php25.00 for the e-payment service.
8. Click proceed to payment and another pop up message showing your reference never and simply click accept
9. That’s it after payment is made you can now go to the desired NBI Branches you choose together with your chosen schedule.
source: nbi