NBI Pursuit On Capturing "Ike" An African Descent, Who allegedly The Conspirator Of Maria Kristina Sergio, On Veloso's Case

the National Bureau of Investigation is in a manhunt operation , to a man who  had "African - looking"  who allegedly conspirator of  Maria Kristina Sergio , who allegedly recruited and deceived Mary Jane Veloso for bringing  drugs while entering Indonesia .

In an interview , said Justice Secretary . Leila De Lima to interact with their counterparts in NBI in Malaysia about an assumed "Ike , " who said Sergio 's alleged accomplice.

Based on information gathered by the NBI,  Ike was an "African descent " who’s last address is known in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia .

In An Artist sketch, Ike was described as aging 30 to 35, weighing 230 to 250 pounds, and is six feet tall, and  with dark skin.

Alledgedly Sergiois the one who introduced Veloso to Ike , who gave the bag she brought it to Indonesia from Malaysia.

Allegedly found out that Sergio also asked Veloso of P7,000 , mobile phones, and tricycle in replacement of work in Malaysia.

According to De Lima, authorities continued to look on the real  and  true nationality and place of origin of Ike .

The NBI filed a complaint  of human trafficking , illegal recruitment and estafa against Ike , Sergio, and  Sergoi’s live- in partner Julius Lacanilao.

Sergio previously surrendered to the authorities and insisted that he is innocent .

According to the NBI, Sergio and Lacanilao , are not registered with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration  to recruit workers for overseas.

NBI reports said that Sergio and  Veloso came together to Malaysia but Sergio did not come to Indonesia. Which left Veloso travel to Indonesia alone.

Christine sergio.gave the victim (Veloso) the address where she is supposed to go. the victim stated that she has no recourse but to follow Christine 's instruction as he is not yet employed .

Before Veloso go to Indonesia,  Sergio offered a traveling bag , who allegedly came to " Ike ."

Initially Veloso said that she noticed that the travelling bag is heavy, even though  its seem;s empty . But Sergio reportedly reasoned that the bag is heavy because its brand new.

Over two kilograms of heroin were found by authorities in abag  carried by Veloso upon arriving in Indonesia .
source: GMA