Do You Have A Healthy Heart? Know The Different Risk Factors Of Heart Disease

Is your heart healthy? Know  the signs and symptoms of good and unhealthy hearts

Heart disease is the leading cause of death of Filipino in the Philippines based on Country Health Profile of  World Health Organization or WHO.

An estimated of 88.2%  or 7 to 8 out of ten Filipinos, age 40 and above are victims of the "Silent Killer"  heart disease.

What is Heart attack:

In General heart attack  is caused by the death of the muscle of the heart due to the blockage of arteries that supply it.

The heart is supplied with innumerable nerve root now if one of the nerve arteries was blocked it can cause heart attack either minor attack or fatal attack that may caused death.

A blockage  in small arteries may can caused minor heart attacked but if a large arteries that supply major parts of the body was blocked it may lead to a fatal cardiac death.

what is the root cause of the stoppage of the heart , it is usually transmitted to the deposit of cholesterol that builds up in the lining of the arteries

what is the root cause of the stoppage of the heart , it is usually transmitted to the deposit of cholesterol that builds up in the lining of the arteries until it grew bigger and bigger and eventually blocks.

What are the symptoms of a heart disease:

more than half of the population would really feel a chest pain, and then the character of pain is chest pain
especially when they are tired.

Common symptoms that you may have a heart disease are shortness in  breathing , Palpitation or irregular heartbeat , faster heartbeat , weakness or even dizziness, drop on their blood pressure , experience cold sweat, nausea.

heart attack can also be no signs of symptoms , it will suddenly attack and kill people in an instant  which are common on diabetic people.

Heart attack is a “silent killer” for diabetic people.

What is the way to prevent heart disease:

There is a method which is screening program, screening program checks blood sugar , cholesterol level, blood pressure and  examined the heart  for any abnormalities.

Another way to prevent heart attack is having a healthy lifestyle and exercise.